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Standing Interrogatories, [auteur, lieu et date inconnus]

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Standing Interrogatories, [auteur, lieu et date inconnus]

Autre forme de titre

Interrogatoires permanents


Inconnu (?)


Cock, Randolph (transcription)



Date de création






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2 fichiers (fac-similé 7.8 Mo, transcription 412 Ko) ; le texte contient 1174 mots.






Documents reconstitués à partir de photographies au format 'jpeg' prises dans le fonds HCA.


guerre de sept ans
prise de guerre
dossier judiciaire


Les interrogatoires standard sont destinés à être administrés au nom du souverain Georges II dans les affaires de capture de navires et de marchandises prises comme prises de guerre. Ils couvrent divers aspects tels que la nationalité des témoins, les circonstances de la capture, les propriétaires du navire et de la cargaison, les documents à bord et les pertes subies, visant à établir la légitimité des prises maritimes. Le document n'est pas daté.


La procédure prévoit d'interroger les les commandants, officiers capitaines ou marins capturés séparément. A partir de vingt questions, le commissaire doit noter fidèlement leurs réponses. Le déposant doit fournir des informations sur sa ville de naissance, les villes dans lesquelles il a résidé lors des sept dernières années ; son port d'embarquement ; le nom du propriétaire du navire pris ; les propriétaires des marchandises ; le capitaine ou le commandant du navire ; la destination de l'expédition ; les conditions de la capture ; s'il y a à bord des factures, documents, instruments relatifs au navire ou aux marchandises...

Couverture spatiale


Couverture temporelle

18e siècle


Domaine public

Droit d'accès

Nous tenons à exprimer notre sincère gratitude aux Archives nationales du Royaume-Uni, Kew à Londres (TNA) pour l'utilisation des copies numériques du fonds Prize Papers.


Paternité - Pas d'utilisation commerciale - Partage selon les Conditions Initiales [CC] [BY] [NC] [SA]

Est une partie de

Documentation conservée à Archives de la High Court of Admiralty and colonial Vice-Admiralty courts (Londres)


Talec Jean-Philippe et Videgain Charles (eds.), Mémoires, lettres et papiers du Dauphin : Bayonne, Louisbourg, Londres – 1757, La Crèche, La Geste éditions (coll. « Presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine »), 2024, 606 p.


TNA, HCA 32/180/7 CP3

Texte Item Type Metadata


Standing Interrogatories to be administred on the Part Behalf of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith To all Commanders Masters Officers Mariners and others of any Ship Vessel Goods or Merchandizes which have or shall be seized or taken as Prize by any of His Majesty’s Ships War and to Such other Persons who shall be brought to be examined in preparatory.
Let each witness be Interrogated to every of the following Questions and their Answer to each severally wrote down.
1st Interrogate where was you born and where have you lived for these seven years last past? Where do you now live, and how long have you lived in that Place? To what Prince or state are you or have you ever been a subject? And of what citys or towns have you been admitted a Burgher or Freeman, and at what time was you so admitted?
2d Interrogate was you present at the time of taking and seizing the ship and her lading or any of the goods and merchandizes concerning which you are now examined? If not How and When was you first made acquainted therewith? And had the ship concerning which you are now examined any commission for war from any and what prince or state?
3d Interrogate In what Place, Latitude, Port, and in what year month and day was the ship or goods concerning which you are now examined taken and seized upon what pretence and for what reason were they seized, Into what Port or Place were they carried? And under the colours of what Kingdom or State did the said ship sail? was any Resistance made at the time when the said ship was taken, and if yea how many guns were fired, and by whom? And by what ship or ships were you taken? Was such vessel a Ship of War, a Privateer or a vessel acting without any commission as you believe.
4th Interrogate what is the name of the Master or Commander of the ship or vessel taken? How long have you known the said master and who appointed him to the command of the said ship? Where did such master take possession of her? And what was the name of the person who delivered the possession to the said master? Where doth he live? Where is the said master’s fixed place of abode? How long has he lived there? Where was he born? And of what prince or state is he now a subject? Is he married? If yea, where doth his wife & family reside?
5th Interrogate of what Tunnage or Burthen is the ship which hath been taken? What was the number of mariners, and of what country were the said seamen or mariners? Did they all come on board at the same port or different ports, and who shipt or hired them, and when & where?
6th Interrogate Had you or any of the officers or mariners belonging to the ship or vessel concerning which he is now examined any and what Part Share or Interest in the said ship or in any of her lading? If yea, set forth who and what goods or interest you or they have? Did you belong to the said ship or or vessel at the time she was seized and taken? In what capacity did you belong to her? How long have you known her? When and where did you first see her? And where was she built?
7th Interrogate What is the name of the said ship? How long hath she been so called? Do you know of any other name or names by which she hath been called? If yea, what were they? Had she any Passport or Sea Brief on board and from what Prince or State? To what Ports and Places was the said ship or vessel bound in her voyage? And from what Ports and Places did she sail during her said voyage before she was taken? Where did her last voyage begin, and where was the said voyage to have ended? Set forth the quality of every cargo the ship has carried from the date of her passport to the time of her capture, and what ports such cargoes have been delivered at?
8th Interrogate what lading did the said ship carry at the time of her first setting sail in her last voyage? And what particular sort of lading and goods had she on board at the time when she was taken? In what year and in what month was the same put on board? Set forth at the time species of the lading, and the quantitys of each sort?
9th Interrogate who were the owners of the ship or vessel concerning which you are now examined at the time when she was seized? How do you know that they were owners of the said ship at that time? Of what nation or country are said owners by birth? Where do they reside, and where do their wives and families reside? To what Prince or State are they subjects?
10th Interrogate was any Bill of Sale made to the aforesaid owners of the said ship? And if any such was made? In what month and year, where and in the presence of what witnesses was such Bill of Sale made? Where did you last see it and what is become of it?
11th Interrogate was the said lading put on board in one port and at one time or at several ports and at several times, and at what ports by name? Set forth what quantities of each sort of goods were shipt at each port?
12th Interrogate what are the names of the respective laders or owners of the said goods? What Countrymen are they? Where do they now live and carry on their business or trade? And where were the said goods to be delivered? Can you take upon yourself to swear that you believe that at the time of the lading the cargo, and at the present time, and also if the goods shall be restored and unladen at the destined port, the goods did, do, and will belong to the same persons and to none others?
13th Interrogate How many of Bills of Lading were signed for the goods seized on board the said ship? Were any of those Bills of Lading colourable? Or were any Bills of Lading signed wich were of a different tenor from those which were on board the ship at the time when she was taken? What were the Contents of such other Bills of Lading, and what became of them?
14th Interrogate Are there in Great Britain any Bills of Lading Invoices Letters or Instruments relative to the ship or goods concerning which you are now examined? If yea, set forth where they are, and in whose possession, and what is the purport thereof, and when were they brought or sent to this Kingdom?
15th Interrogate Was there any charter party signed for the voyage in which the ship concerning which you are now examined was seized & taken? What became thereof, when, where, and between whom was such charter party made? And what were the contents of it?
16th Interrogate What Papers Bills of Lading Letters or other Writings were on board the ship at the time she took her departure from her last clearing port before her being taken as prize? Were any of them afterwards burnt, torn, thrown overboard destroyed or concealed? and when? and by whom, and who was then present?
17th Interrogate Has the ship concerning which you are now examined been at any time and when seized as prize and condemned as such? If yea, set forth into what port she was carried? And by whom and by what authority, and on what account or Reason she was condemned?
18th Interrogate Have you sustained any loss by the seizing and taking the said ship concerning which you are now examined? If yea, in what manner do you compute such your loss? Have you already received any Indemnity Satisfaction or Promise of Satisfaction for any Part of the Damage which you have or may sustain by this Capture & Detention, and when, and from whom?
19th Interrogate Is the said ship or goods or any and what part insured and in what Country? If yea, for what voyage is said Insurance made, and at what Premium and when was such Insurance made?
20th Interrogate In case you had arrived at your destined Port would your Cargo or any part thereof on being unladen have immediately become the Property of the consignees or any other Person and whom? Or was the Lader to take the Chance of the Market for the sale of his goods?


Citer ce document

Inconnu (?), “Standing Interrogatories, [auteur, lieu et date inconnus],” Entrepôt de données ANPERSANA, consulté le 22 février 2025, https://anpersana.iker.univ-pau.fr/items/show/483.