Commissioners’ affidavit (Déclaration sous serment des commissaires), by George Augustus Prosser, Portsmouth
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Commissioners’ affidavit (Déclaration sous serment des commissaires), by George Augustus Prosser, Portsmouth
Autre forme de titre
Déclaration sous serment des commissaires
Prosser, Georges Augustus
Carette, Camille (transcription)
Étendue de la ressource, taille, durée
2 fichiers (fac-similé 336 Ko, transcription 504 Ko) ; le texte contient 191 mots.
Documents reconstitués à partir de photographies au format 'jpeg' prises dans le fonds HCA.
guerre de sept ans
prise de guerre
dossier judiciaire
vente par adjudication
L'affidavit des commissaires est une pièce juridique.
Le document atteste que Martin Lermet, Dominique Le Blanc et Pierre De Ratzou ont été interrogés sous serment par John Greenway, commissaire de la Cour de l'Amirauté, leurs dépositions étant fidèlement rédigées par George Augustus Prosser, notaire public, avant d'être transmises à la cour. Cette procédure a été effectuée conformément à une commission préalablement mentionnée et les dépositions ont été interprétées par James Bucknall, garantissant ainsi la véracité des propos recueillis, parce que les déposants ne comprennaient pas l'anglais.
Couverture spatiale
Couverture temporelle
18e siècle
Domaine public
Droit d'accès
Nous tenons à exprimer notre sincère gratitude aux Archives nationales du Royaume-Uni, Kew à Londres (TNA) pour l'utilisation des copies numériques du fonds <em>Prize Papers</em>.
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Est une partie de
Documentation conservée à Archives de la High Court of Admiralty and colonial Vice-Admiralty courts (Londres)
Talec Jean-Philippe et Videgain Charles (eds.), Mémoires, lettres et papiers du Dauphin : Bayonne, Louisbourg, Londres – 1757, La Crèche, La Geste éditions (coll. « Presses universitaires de Nouvelle-Aquitaine »), 2024, 606 p.
TNA, HCA 32/180/7 CP 7
Texte Item Type Metadata
Commissioners' affidavit, George Augustus Prosser, Portsmouth, 23 avril 1757
Be it known unto all men to whom these Presents shall come That the beforenamed Martin Lermet, Dominique Le Blanc and Pierre De Ratzou were by virtue of the Commission herein before mentioned in my Presence produced and brought before and secretly and seperately sworn examined and interrogated by John Greenway one of the Commissioners in the said Commission named upon the several Interrogatories hereinbefore contained (being a Copy of the Interrogatories to the said Commission annexed) and their Sayings and Depositions are faithfully reduced into Writing by me George Augustus Prosser Notary Public substituted and appointed by the Deputy Registrer of the High Court of Admiralty of England in the said Commission named And in Regard the said Martin Lermet Dominique Le Blanc and Pierre De Ratzou the Witnesses are Frenchmen and do not understand the English Language James Bucknall (one other of the Commissioners in the said Commission named) being conversant in and well acquainted with both the said Languages was sworn for our Sovereign Lord the King well and truly to interpret the Sayings and Depositions of all the beforenamed Witnesses Which Depositions so reduced into Writing are to these Presents annexed in Order to be transmitted to the Judge of the said High Court of Admiralty of England or his Surrogate as the said Commission directs. All which I do hereby certify under my Hand and Notarial Seal at Portsmouth aforesaid the twenty third day of April One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty seven.
[Signé] George Augustus Prosser, Notary public
Be it known unto all men to whom these Presents shall come That the beforenamed Martin Lermet, Dominique Le Blanc and Pierre De Ratzou were by virtue of the Commission herein before mentioned in my Presence produced and brought before and secretly and seperately sworn examined and interrogated by John Greenway one of the Commissioners in the said Commission named upon the several Interrogatories hereinbefore contained (being a Copy of the Interrogatories to the said Commission annexed) and their Sayings and Depositions are faithfully reduced into Writing by me George Augustus Prosser Notary Public substituted and appointed by the Deputy Registrer of the High Court of Admiralty of England in the said Commission named And in Regard the said Martin Lermet Dominique Le Blanc and Pierre De Ratzou the Witnesses are Frenchmen and do not understand the English Language James Bucknall (one other of the Commissioners in the said Commission named) being conversant in and well acquainted with both the said Languages was sworn for our Sovereign Lord the King well and truly to interpret the Sayings and Depositions of all the beforenamed Witnesses Which Depositions so reduced into Writing are to these Presents annexed in Order to be transmitted to the Judge of the said High Court of Admiralty of England or his Surrogate as the said Commission directs. All which I do hereby certify under my Hand and Notarial Seal at Portsmouth aforesaid the twenty third day of April One Thousand Seven hundred and fifty seven.
[Signé] George Augustus Prosser, Notary public
Citer ce document
Prosser, Georges Augustus, “Commissioners’ affidavit (Déclaration sous serment des commissaires), by George Augustus Prosser, Portsmouth,” Entrepôt de données ANPERSANA, consulté le 16 janvier 2025,