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Le Dauphin’s papers translated from the french, by Sir Rushworth, Londres

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Le Dauphin’s papers translated from the french, by Sir Rushworth, Londres

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Traductions du français à l'anglais de papiers trouvés à bord du Dauphin


Rushworth, Edward


Talec, Jean-Philippe (transcription)









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2 fichiers (fac-similé 6 Mo, transcription 439 Ko); le texte contient 570 mots.






Documents reconstitués à partir de photographies au format 'jpeg' dans le fonds HCA.


guerre de sept ans
prise de guerre
dossier judiciaire
vente par adjudication


Le document est une traduction du français vers l'anglais de 19 documents saisis sur le navire Le Dauphin.


Le document comprend les traductions d'une lettre de course accordée à Martin Lermet, capitaine du navire Le Dauphin, lui permettant de faire la guerre et le commerce avec des marchandises autorisées ; un passeport pour que le navire puisse transporter des marchandises spécifiques de Bayonne à Louisbourg, avec obligation de se conformer aux règles édictées ; un rôle d'équipage ; des attestations de dédouanement et de chargement de marchandises ; une facture de chargement ; ; des certificats de chirurgiens et d'apothicaires ; un certificat de jaugeage du navire, ainsi que des ordres donnés par Jean Lannes au capitaine du navire. Ces documents offrent un aperçu des préparatifs et des formalités entourant le voyage du navire, avec des détails sur le chargement de marchandises et les vérifications médicales effectuées à bord.Cette traduction réalisée à Londres le 17 mai accompagne les trois interrogatoires des commisssaires et les autres papiers réunis par Thomas Tyndall le 3 mai 1757.

Couverture spatiale


Couverture temporelle

18e siècle


Domaine public

Droit d'accès

Nous tenons à exprimer notre sincère gratitude aux Archives nationales du Royaume-Uni, Kew à Londres (TNA) pour l'utilisation des copies numériques du fonds Prize Papers.


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TNA HCA 32/180/7 CP 9

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Le Dauphin, Translated from the french
n°1 [Lettre de course, autorisation royale n° 38]
Louis Jean Marie de Bourbon Duke of Penthievre Admiral of France To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting We make known that We have given Licence and Permission to Martin Lermet Master and Captain of the Ship called Le Dauphin of Louisbourg of the Burthen of Eighty Tons mounting six Guns and no Swivels now lying in the Harbour of Bayonne to cause the said Ship to be fitted out for War and Trade to arm and provide her with all things necessary & to load her with such Goods as he shall see proper provided they are not prohibited or forbidden to go and trade to Louisbourg and in so doing to make War upon all Pirates, Robbers & lawless People and others who would hinder the Liberty of the Commerce of the King's Subjects as also on the Enemies of the State if during the Course of the Voyage Warr shall happen to be declared between his Majesty and any other Power to attack them wheresoever he shall meet with them & take them and bring them in Prisoners with their Ships Crews and Goods and exercise over them all ways and means permitted and used by the Laws of War with a charge to the said Lermet to observe and cause to be observed by his Crew during his Voyage the Ordinances of the Marine under the Penalties therein laid to carry during his Voyage the Flag and Ensigns of Arms of the King & of us to cause this Commission to be to be registered in the Registry of the Admiralty the nearest to the Place from whence he shall fit out, there to lodge a Roll signed & certified by him containing the Arms Amunition the Names and Surnames the Birth and Abode of the Men of his Crew, and at his Return which shall be to one of the Ports of the Kingdom as shall be most convenient for him and before he unloads any thing he shall make a good and faithfull Report before the Officers of the Admiralty and none others of what he shall have done during his Voyage shall declare whether he has brought back all his men and if he has not brought them back the Place where he shall have left them which Report and the Verification thereof he shall send to the Secretary General of the Marine that we may thereupon order what shall be proper and in case of any Prize of War he shall cause proceedings to be had before the Officers of the Admiralty conformable to the Ordinances, which shall in like manner be sent to the Secretary General of the Marine before the said Prizes shall be unladen that we may give the necessary Orders with Relation to the same. We pray and request all Kings Princes Potentates States Republics Friends Allies and Confederates of this Crown their Admirals Governors of their Towns Ports Harbours and Passages Captains Chiefs and Leaders of their Ships & Crews and others their Officers and Subjects whom it shall concern to give the said Lermet all Assistance Passage and Retreat into their Harbours with his said Ship and what he may have taken offering to do the like when We shall be by them required. We order and command the Vice-Admirals Lieutenants General of the Sea Forces, Commodores of Squadrons, Captains of Ships and all other Officers of the Marine whom it shall concern to let the said Lermet safely and freely pays with his said Ship & Crew and all he may have taken during his Voyage by Virtue of this Commission without giving or suffering that there be given to him any Trouble or Impediment, but on the contrary all the Succour Aid Favour and Assistance he shall stand in need of and this Commission shall serve for one Voyage only. In Witness whereof We have signed these Presents and have thereunto caused the Seal of our Arms to be put and the same to be countersigned by the Secretary General of the Marine at Bayonne the twenty ninth of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven LJM De Bourbon By his most Serene Highness Romieu Registered in the Registry of the Admiralty of Bayonne the thirtieth of March 1757.
n°2 Pass for french Ships
Louis Jean Marie De Bourbon Duke of Penthievre of Chateau Villain and of Rambouillet Admiral of France, Gouvernor and Lieutenant General for the King in his Province of Britany To all to whom these Presents shall come Greeting We make known that We have given Leave and Passport to Martin Lermet Master of the french Ship of Louisbourg called Le Dauphin of the Burthen of Eighty Tons or thereabouts now lying in the Port and Harbour of Bayonne to go to the Port and Harbour of Louisbourg laden with wine brandy & shoes after Search of the said Ship and her Cargoe shall have been well and duly made and with a charge to conform himself to the Ordinances & Regulations of his Majesty under the Penalties therein laid. In witness whereof We have signed these Presents and have thereunto caused the Seal of our arms to be put and the same to be countersigned by the Secretary General of the Marine. L. J. M. [Louis-Jean-Marie] de Bourbon, By his most serene Highness Romieu Delivered at Bayonne the twenty ninth of March 1757.
n°3 [rôle d'équipage]
Muster Roll of the Crew of the Boat Le Dauphin of Louisbourg of the Burthen of sixty Tons built at Boston in the year 1743 mounting six Guns and six Swivels having twenty Musquets and twenty Cutlasses belonging to Mr Laborde of Louisbourg sitted out at Bayonne by Mr John Lannes to go to Louisbourg under the Command of Martin Lermet with a Crew of thirty two Persons said Roll dated 28th of March 1757
n°4 [Attestation de dédouanement]
Clearance upon Bond upon Bond for goods laden on board a Ship bound for the French Islands in America (to wit) the Dauphin of Louisbourg for the account of Mr John Lanne consisting of one hundred and twenty two hogsheads of french wine, nineteen hundred and six pairs of shoes, eight Pipes and three hogsheads of Brandy emptied into one hundred and thirteen Barrels twenty Gross of Cards and one hundred and ninety seven Pick Axes Shovels Hoes and Bills dated at Bayonne the 19th of March 1757.
n°5 [Attestation de chargement des marchandises]
A Pass for the Boat le Dauphin of Louisbourg of the Burthen of seventy Tons going thither laden for Mr John Lanne with one hundred and thirty Hogsheads of french Wine, eleven Casks containing seventeen hundred and sixty pair of Shoes Eight Pipes & three Hogsheads of Brandy and two Casks containing one hundred and forty six Pair of Shoes all which have paid the Duke de Gramond’s Duties, dated the 15th of March 1757
n°6 [Facture de chargement des marchandises]
A Bill of Lading dated 20th of March 1757 for one Case embalsd marked as in the Margent containing sundry goods shipped on board the said Ship Le Dauphin by Mr John Barrere the younger to be delivered to Mr Laborde Treasurer at Louisbourg.
[In margin:] L.
n°7 [Accompte de barriques de M. Molays reçu par le capitaine Harismendy ]
An accompt of the Hogsheads of Molasses Weight of the dry Cod and five quarter Casks of Green Cod received by the Boat the Dauphin of Louisbourg Captain Michael Harismendy for the Accompt & Risq of Mr Laborde Treasurer of the Marine at Louisbourg.
n°8 [Facture de marchandises s'élevant à 17560 livres]
An Invoice of Goods laden the 24th of March 1757 for the Accompt and Risque of Mr Laborde Treasurer at Louisbourg on board the Vessel Le Dauphin belonging to him Martin Lermet Captain consisting of sundry Goods amounting to 17568: 1: 10 dated at Bayonne the 4th of April 1757.
n°9 [Accompte entre Lannes et Laborde]
An Account current between Mr Lannes and Mr Laborde of Louisbourg Owner of the said Ship Le Dauphin for a former Voyage dated the fourth of April 1757.
n°10 [Papier sans conséquence]
A Paper of no Consequence.
n°11 [Facture de chargement des marchandises]
A Bill of Lading dated at Bayonne the thirtieth of March 1757 for Eighty nine Hogsheads of red Wine one and twenty Hogsheads of white Wine one half Hogshead of red wine one hundred and two anchors of Brandy, fourteen quarter Casks of Brandy ten Hogsheads of Shoes, seven Cases of sundry Goods, ten Hams, three Barrells of Geese Thighs, four Barrells of Mustard, and a Chest of Guns marked as in the Margent Shipped by Mr John Lanne consigned to Mr Laborde Treasurer of the Marine at Louisbourg, freight free.
[In margin:] L. A.
n°12 [Facture d'honoraires]
A Bill of fees paid on Account of the Vessel le Dauphin of Louisbourg coming from thence with a Commision for War and Trade.
n°13 [Attestation des chirurgiens]
A Certificate from the Surgeons of the Duke of Penthievre Admiral of France that they had examined the Chest of Medicines, Surgeon's Instruments & other Utencils designed for the Ship Le Dauphin going to Louisbourg & found the same compleat.
n°14 [Certificat des apothicaires]
A Certificate from the Apothicaires of the Lord High Admiral of France in the District of Bayonne that they had examined the Chest of Medicines of the Ship Le Dauphin and found the same in a good & proper condition for the Voyage dated at Bayonne the 24th of March 1757.
n°15 [Certificat du jaugeur]
A Certificate of the Gauger of Ships for the Admiralty of Bayonne that having gauged the Vessel le Dauphin she contained Eighty Tons.
n°16 [Duplicata du document 11]
A Duplicate of the Bill of Lading n°11.
n°17 [Inventaire des objets restants sur le navire]
An Inventory of Things remaining on board the Vessel le Dauphin.
n°18 & n°19 [Ordres de Jean Lannes]
Two Papers containing Orders given by Mr John Lanne [to the] Captain of the Vessel le Dauphin of Louisbourg belonging to Mr Laborde the King's Treasurer there conformable to those given by Mr Laborde to fit the said Ship out for Warr dated at Bayonne the 28th of March 1757 & signed Lanne.
Faithfully translated and abstracted from the french at London the 17th of May 1757 by me [signé] Edward Rushworth Notary Public.


Citer ce document

Rushworth, Edward, “Le Dauphin’s papers translated from the french, by Sir Rushworth, Londres,” Entrepôt de données ANPERSANA, consulté le 22 février 2025, https://anpersana.iker.univ-pau.fr/items/show/489.